Geoffrey Ashe ‘Mythology of the British Isles’ (Methuen 1990)
Christine Hartley ‘The Western Mystery Tradition – The Esoteric Heritage of the West’ (Aquarian Press 1986)
Jennifer Westwood ‘Albion – A Guide to Legendary Britain’ (Paladin 1987)
Hamish Miller and Paul Broadhurst ‘The Sun and the Serpent’ (Pendragon Press 1989)
Patrick Benham ‘The Avalonians’ (Gothic Image 1993)
Ian Bradley ‘ Believing in Britain – The Spiritual Identity of Britishness’ (Lion 2007)
Michael Wood ‘Domesday – A Search for the Roots of England’ (Book Club Associates 1987)
Charles Knightly ‘Folk Heroes of Britain’ (Thames & Hudson 1982)
Peter Ackroyd ‘Albion – The Origins of the English Imagination’ (Chatto & Windus 2002)
Richard Leviton ‘Walking in Albion’ (iUniverse 2001)
Robin Heath and John Michell ‘The Measure of Albion – The Lost Science of Prehistoric Britain’ (Bluestone 2004)
Henry Bett ‘English Myths and Traditions’ (Batsford 1952)
Peter Woodcock ‘This Enchanted Isle’ (Gothic Image 2000)
Billy Bragg ‘The Progressive Patriot’ (Bantam Press 2006)
Stephen Graham ‘Priest of the Ideal’ (Macmillan & Co 1917)
London 2012 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony programme
Nigel Pennick & Paul Devereux ‘Lines on the Landscape – Leys & Other Linear Energies’ Robert Hale 1989)
Giles Morgan ‘St. George’ (Chartwell Books 2006)
Nick Mayhew Smith ‘Britain’s Holiest Places’ (Lifestyle Press 2011)
The Wrekin Trust ‘ The First Forty Years and Beyond’ (Wrekin Trust)
Adrian Sykes ‘Made in Britain’ (Adelphi 2011)
Albion’s Glorious Ile (Vol. 1 Cornwal to Worestshyre) (Union 2016)
Rudolf Steiner ‘Rudolf Steiner Speaks to the British’ (Rudolf Steiner Press 1998)
John Barnatt ‘Stone Circles of the Peak – A Search for Natural Harmony (Turnstone 1978)
Homer Sykes ‘Celtic Britain’ (Weidenfield & Nicholson 1997)
Caroline Hoare and Gary Biltcliffe ‘The Spine of Albion: An Exploration of Earth Energies and Landscape Mysteries Along the Belinus Line’ (Sacred Lands Publishing 2012)
History of Britain and Ireland: The Definitive Visual Guide (DK 2014)
Aubrey Burl ‘From Carnac to Callanish’ (Yale University Press 1993)
And last, but certainly not least……
Julian Cope ‘The Modern Antiquarian – A Pre-Millennial Odyssey Through Megalithic Britain’ (Thorsons 1998)
King Arthur
John and Caitlin Matthews ‘ The Complete King Arthur (Inner Traditions 2017)
Sir Thomas Malory ‘Le Morte Darthur’ (William Caxton 1483)
Geoffrey Ashe ‘The Quest for Arthur’s Britain’ (Paladin 1971)
R.W. Barker ‘Arthur of Avalon’ (Barrie & Ratcliff 1961)
John Matthews and Pawel Tatarnikov ‘Arthur of Albion’ (Barefoot Books 2008)
R.F. Hobson ‘The King Who Will Return’ (Guild of Pastoral Psychology 1965)
William Blake
Kathleen Raine ‘Blake and Antiquity’ (Routledge and Kegan Paul 1979)
Tobias Churton ‘Jerusalem – The Real Life of William Blake’ (Watkins 2014)
Robyn Hamlyn & Michael Phillips ‘William Blake’ (Tate Gallery 2000)
Peter Ackroyd ‘Blake’ (Minerva 1995)
Kathleen Raine ‘William Blake’ (Thames & Hudson 1970)
Kathleen Raine ‘Blake and the New Age’ (George Allen & Unwin 1979)
The Temenos Academy Review Nos. 1-19
Harold Bloom ‘The Western Canon’ (Papermac 1994)
Dylan Thomas – ‘Quite Early One Morning’ (J. M. Dent & Sons 1954)
Humphrey Carpenter ‘The Inklings’ (Allen & Unwin 1978)
Gareth Knight ‘The Magical World of The Inklings’ (Element 1990)
Sorina Higgins ‘The Inklings and King Arthur’ (Apocryphile Press 2017)
Morine Krissdottir ‘John Cowper Powys and The Magical Quest’ (McDonald General Books 1980)
The Letters of Evelyn Underhill (Longmans, Green and Co. 1943)
Robert N. Watson ‘Back to Nature’ (University of Pensylvania Press 2006)
Thomas Traherne ‘Centuries’ (Faith Press 1960)
Fiona MacCarthy ‘Anarchy and Beauty – William Morris and his Legacy’ (National Portrait Gallery)
George Orwell ‘The Lion and the Unicorn’ (Penguin 2018)
Rob Young ‘Electric Eden –Unearthing Britain’s Visionary Music’ (Faber & Faber 2010) with excellent listing of recommended music in the Appendix.
Nick Drake ‘Remembered For A While’ (John Murray)
Stephen Roud ‘Folk Song in England’ (Faber & Faber 2017)
Peter Mills ‘Hymns to the Silence – Inside the World and Music of Van Morrison’ (Continuum 2010)
P. J. Curtis ‘Notes from the Heart – A Celebration of Traditional Irish Music’ (TORC 1994)
A. L. Lloyd ‘Folk Song in England’ (Paladin 1975)
Nathan Wiseman-Trouse ‘Dreaming England – Nick Drake’ (Reaktion Books 2013)
The Modern Antiquarian (The web’s largest community-based guide to the ancient sites of U.K. and Ireland)
Megalithic (recommended)
Stone Circles
Sir George Trevelyan